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Tè del digiuno


Tisana Digiuno per Digiuno Prolungato e Intermittente

Infuso di erbe per il digiuno, progettato per sostenere il tuo benessere durante il digiuno

Gusto ricco e soddisfacente per sostenerti durante il digiuno

Ingredienti vegetali puri tradizionalmente utilizzati per le loro proprietà calmanti e rivitalizzanti

Fonte naturale di vitamine A, B e C, nonché flavonoidi bioattivi che aiutano a rafforzare il sistema immunitario e ridurre l'infiammazione

Sapori equilibrati di erbe lenitive, fiori profumati e spezie calde

Naturalmente privi di caffeina e adatti ad ogni momento della giornata

Non interferirà con la tua autofagia o chetosi

Non provoca nausea se assunto a stomaco vuoto (a differenza del tè nero o verde)

Fasting Tea – Ingredients


Chamomile, Dandelion Root, Rosehips, Cinnamon Bark, Elderflower, Cardamom, Fenugreek

Pack quantity: 20 teabags (40g net weight)



Fasting Tea – How to Make


Infuse for 3-5 minutes in freshly boiled water.

One teabag can be infused up to three times.

Drink the tea either hot or cold throughout the day.



Fasting Salts: Frequently Asked Questions


Could this Fasting Tea break my fast?

Fasting Tea is not going to break your fast – provided you drink it as is, without adding any sugar, sweeteners, milk or cream.

Herbal tea in general is recommended by many leading fasting experts as a safe and useful fasting beverage.

It provides some much needed variety and can help you cope with hunger, as well as deliver additional health benefits thanks to its high micronutrient content.


You are a supplements company – how did you come up with a tea blend?

Herbal tea is indeed not our area of expertise!

That’s why we teamed up with one of Britain’s oldest tea merchants to help us develop and manufacture this new herbal blend.

Their manufacturing facility is certified to the highest quality assurance standards and certifications including BRC Food Safety, Ethical Tea Partnership, Fairtrade, Rainforest Alliance and Organic Certification.




Store in a cool dry place. Do not use if the pouch comes unsealed. If you are on any medications, have a medical condition or any other health concerns, consult a doctor before fasting. Extended fasting for longer than 72 hours requires medical supervision. Remember to drink plenty of water throughout your fast. Stop your fast immediately if you feel unwell at any point.

Garanzia di qualità

  • Won’t affect your carb counts: sugar-free and zero-carb
  • Also free from sweeteners, gluten, soy, lactose, sulphites and GMO
  • Only tried and tested ingredients with a proven track record
  • Fully compliant with EU and US FDA regulations
  • Manufactured in a GMP-certified facility
  • Made in the UK

Garanzia di rimborso di 60 giorni senza rischi

Se per qualsiasi motivo non sei soddisfatto del tuo integratore, è sufficiente restituircelo entro 60 giorni per un rimborso completo.

È possibile restituire anche se hai già preso la maggior parte delle capsule - o anche tutti.

Ti consigliamo di provare gli integratori per almeno 7 giorni per sentirne i benefici, ma dipende solo da te.

Emetteremo un rimborso completo in tutti i casi - no domande poste. È semplice!