Ketosis: Top Five Benefits
Ketosis is a metabolic state in which your body is no longer burning glucose
for fuel. Instead, it uses ketones that the liver converts from fat. Ketones
are much more efficient than glucose, and the body actually prefers them. You
switch in...
Sweeteners: Good or Bad?
Sweeteners are a hot topic of debate in the Fasting and Keto/Low Carb circles.
Are they okay? Some people swear they don’t break a fast, and others say they
do. What’s the truth? Let’s take a look at natural and artificial sweeteners.
We can...
Bone Broth 101
Bone broth is a nutrient-rich and yummy option, whether you’re fasting or
doing a Keto/Low Carb lifestyle. Let’s take a look! What exactly is bone
broth? Bone broth is pretty much what it sounds like, a broth made from
boiling animal bones and...
Keto Christmas Survival Guide
Christmas is a magical holiday! Time with friends and family, parties, gifts … and food. Lots and lots of food and treats. As wonderful as it is, it can also...
Vitamin C on Keto: Best Natural Sources
On Keto and Wondering About Vitamin C? Do you worry about getting enough vitamin C on your Keto diet? Fruit is out because it’s too high in carbs. Should we...