Maltodextrin: Dangers and Concerns
Dangers of maltodextrin are currently a topic of hot debate amongst Fasting/Carnivore/Keto communities.
At the time of writing (November 2024), a well-known supplement brand has been exposed for not disclosing this ingredient accurately on their labels.
People are upset. And for good reason.
Let’s look into maltodextrin dangers in more detail.
What this ingredient is and is not, why it’s considered controversial and whether you should be worried about it if you follow a Keto, Carnivore or Fasting lifestyle.
What is maltodextrin?
Maltodextrin is an additive that is derived from plant starches, such as corn, wheat, or potatoes.
It’s added in many processed foods and even supplements, usually to improve texture, enhance taste or as a filler.
In diet-related products, it’s most often used as a sweetener.
Is maltodextrin natural?
Even though maltodextrin comes from natural foods, it undergoes heavy processing and becomes highly refined.
So while it’s not wholly artificial, like aspartame, we couldn’t call it “natural” either.
Is maltodextrin a type of sugar?
Maltodextrin is chemically distinct from table sugar (sucrose).
That’s why manufacturers can legally get away with claiming maltodextrin products are "sugar-free".
However, maltodextrin has a very high glycemic index. It rapidly gets converted into glucose in your body.
So even though maltodextrin is not technically a sugar, it causes the same outcomes in terms of blood glucose and hormonal response.
Is maltodextrin dangerous for dieters?
Maltodextrin’s glycemic index is higher than even regular table sugar. This is a huge problem for anyone with diabetes.
Especially if they don’t know that the maltodextrin is in there. It could literally be life threatening.
It’s also a huge problem for anyone trying to correct insulin resistance. Because if it raises blood sugar, you know it’s also spiking insulin.
In fact, maltodextrin aside, anything that tastes sweet can spike insulin.
And insulin is the driver of fat gain and metabolic disease.
It’s what we’re trying to fix when we fast or stick to a Carnivore or Ketogenic diet.
If you’re consuming something with maltodextrin in it, you are likely getting an insulin response.
Essentially this causes you to sabotage your Keto or Carnivore diet. And if you’re fasting, maltodextrin is going to break your fast.
That’s why it’s so important for manufacturers to be truthful and transparent about disclosing this ingredient on the labels.
Other side effects and dangers of maltodextrin
Besides the already mentioned issues with blood sugar and insulin, other reported side effects of maltodextrin include:
- Gastrointestinal issues such as bloating, cramping, diarrhea or constipation
- Negative effects on gut microbiome
- Worsened IBS symptoms
- Allergic reactions like rashes and asthma
- Weight gain
- Impaired immune function
- Dental issues
All sweeteners require caution
You came to the Fasting, Keto, or Carnivore lifestyle for a reason.
Maybe you’re trying to improve your health, lose weight or increase your longevity.
Besides all the side effects listed above, maltodextrin can definitely trigger sugar and carbohydrate cravings.
This is going to make your diet much more difficult for you.
Do you really want to put something in your mouth that can undo everything you’re trying to achieve?
How do I know if something has maltodextrin in it?
First, check the labels. You might find it listed.
However, the problem is that maltodextrin is sometimes listed as “natural flavors.”
As I mentioned before, this can be very dangerous for people with diabetes.
My advice would be to avoid products that include “natural flavors” as an ingredient.
But you could also try contacting the company to see what those natural flavors consist of.
Also, listen to your body.
If you consume something that’s supposed to be “safe” and notice blood sugar spikes or insulin spikes, that’s a clue.
There could be maltodextrin or some other nasty undisclosed ingredient in there.
Best overall tip for avoiding maltodextrin
Just opt for whole foods.
You’re not going to find maltodextrin (or any other dodgy ingredients) in natural foods like meat, eggs or fresh veggies.
What about supplements?
When it comes to supplements, always check the labels!
Even if maltodextrin is not listed, wording such as “natural flavors” or “modified food starch” should raise a red flag.
At Nutri-Align, we are 100% committed to supporting Keto and Fasting communities.
All of our products are unflavoured and unsweetened. They do not contain maltodextrin or any ingredients that would compromise your journey to health and wellness.
Let’s face it, fasting isn’t easy. Sticking to a Keto or Carnivore diet isn’t easy, either.
But we do it because we want to live longer, healthier lives.
Don’t let misleading ingredient labels or processed ingredients sabotage all your hard work!
Author: Roo Black

Roo is a fasting coach with over 5 years of experience. She leads the admin team of the Official Fasting for Weight Loss Facebook group - one of the largest fasting communities on social media with over 125,000 members. We highly recommend this group for anyone who is looking for fasting advice or coaching.
The post Maltodextrin: Dangers and Concerns appeared first on Nutri-Align.