Nopea toimitus EU:ssa Irlannin kautta

Suojaus hiustenlähtöä vastaan ​​ketolle ja paastolle

Tekijä: Nutri-Align

Lääke hiustenlähtöön paastoamiseen ja ketoon

Hiustenlähtö on paaston tai vähähiilihydraattisen ruokavalion ei-toivottu sivuvaikutus, joka voi joskus johtua tiettyjen ravintoaineiden pitkäaikaisista puutteista. Taistele tällä kohdistetulla lisäaineella ja suojaa hiuksiasi.

Tarjoaa megavahvan annoksen biotiinia 2500 mikrogrammaa kapselia kohti – yli 50 kertaa enemmän kuin tavalliset lisäravinteet. Biotiini on tärkein vitamiini, jonka on tieteellisesti todistettu kiihdyttävän hiusten kasvua yksilöillä, joilla on puutos.

Sisältää laajan valikoiman muita tärkeitä vitamiineja, kivennäisaineita ja aminohappoja, jotka edistävät hiustesi terveyttä.

100 % vapaa sokerista ja täyteaineista – ei häiritse ketoosiasi tai autofagiaasi.

Valmistettu Yhdistyneessä kuningaskunnassa noudattaen täysin kaikkia GMP- ja EFSA-määräyksiä, rekisteröity Yhdysvaltain FDA:ssa.

90 kapselia per pakkaus (3 kuukauden toimitus)

Do you need this product?


This product can help if you:


  • Suffer from hair loss during fasting or Keto
  • Want to boost hair growth



Hair Defence Supplement: How Does It Work?


Long-term deficiencies of certain nutrients can lead to hair loss. If you are someone who is affected by this problem, fasting and/or low-carb dieting can make it worse. For some people, this problem doesn’t manifest itself until you start on one of these alternative WOEs.

Hair Defence supplement includes the full spectrum of nutrients for your hair to protect you from deficiencies. So you can continue getting the full health benefits of fasting or Keto without sacrificing your hair.



Hair Defence: Full Supplement Facts


Pack quantity: 90 capsules 

90 capsules provide a 3-months supply of the supplement.



1 capsule contains%
Daily Values
% Nutrient Reference Value
Vitamin A (as retinyl acetate)
Vitamin C (as ascorbic acid)
Vitamin D (as cholecalciferol)
Vitamin E (as tocopheryl acetate)
Thiamin (as thiamin hydrochloride)
Niacin (as nicotinamide)
Vitamin B6 (as pyridoxine hydrochloride)
Folic acid
Vitamin B12 (as cyanocobalamin)
Biotin (as d-biotin)
Pantothenic acid (as calcium pantothenate)
Calcium (as calcium carbonate)
Iron (as ferrous fumarate)
Magnesium (as magnesium citrate)
Zinc (as zinc citrate)

Official government guidelines for recommended daily intake of vitamins and minerals vary by country. This table shows percentage values according to the recommended amounts in the European Union and in the USA.


Ingredients as list

1 capsule: Vitamin A (as retinyl acetate) 1500iu 30%, Vitamin C (as ascorbic acid) 50mg 56%, Vitamin D (as cholecalciferol) 75iu 19%, Vitamin E (as tocopheryl acetate) 10iu 33%, Thiamin (as thiamin hydrochloride) 4mg 333%, Riboflavin 4mg 308%, Niacin (as nicotinamide) 2.5mg 16%, Vitamin B6 (as pyridoxine hydrochloride) 2.5mg 147%, Folic acid 130mcg 33%, Vitamin B12 (as cyanocobalamin) 10mcg 417%, Biotin (as d-biotin) 2500mcg 8300%, Pantothenic acid (as calcium pantothenate) 20mg 400%, Calcium (as calcium carbonate) 80mg 6%, Iron (as ferrous fumarate) 5mg 28%, Magnesium (as magnesium citrate) 3%, Zinc (as zinc citrate) 5mg 45%, DL-Methionine 5mg. Other ingredients: hydroxypropyl methyl cellulose (capsule shell).



Free From

This product is completely free from Sugar, Sweeteners, Cereals containing Gluten, Nuts, Sulphur Dioxide or Sulphite, GMO materials, irradiated materials, TSE/BSE risk materials.



Nutritional content

Zero calories, zero carbohydrates, zero protein, zero fat.




Do not take this product if you are breastfeeding, pregnant or likely to become pregnant. If you are taking any medications, are under medical supervision, or suffer from any food allergies, consult a doctor before use. This product is not suitable for anyone under 18 years of age. Close tightly and keep out of sight and reach of children. Store in a cool, dry place. Do not use if the seal is broken or missing.

Discontinue use and consult a doctor immediately if any adverse reactions occur, or in case of accidental overdose.



How to take


Take one capsule a day.



Frequently Asked Questions


How soon will I notice the benefits?

Deficiency-related hair loss can take some time to reverse. Take the supplement for at least two weeks before evaluating its effects on your hair.

Some people might experience additional positive changes in their overall sense of well-being, for example, more energy or better moods.


Is this supplement safe?

Yes, it is 100% safe.

Although very powerful, this product is NOT a medication or drug. It is a dietary supplement that only includes tried-and-tested ingredients with a long, scientifically-proven track record. The formulation was developed in consultation with the leading industry experts and Keto nutritionists.

The extra-strong dosages included in the formula are well within the safe upper limits as defined by the European Food Safety Authority.

Our manufacturing facility adheres to the strictest quality assurance standards (GMP) which covers all aspects of production from sourcing ingredients through to mixing, encapsulation and packing.



  • Won’t affect your carb counts: sugar-free and zero-carb
  • Also free from sweeteners, gluten, soy, lactose, sulphites and GMO
  • Only tried and tested ingredients with a proven track record
  • Fully compliant with EU and US FDA regulations
  • Manufactured in a GMP-certified facility
  • Made in the UK

Riskitön 60 päivän rahat takaisin -takuu

Jos olet jostain syystä tyytymätön lisätuotteeseesi, palauta se meille 60 päivän kuluessa saadaksesi täyden hyvityksen.

Voit palauttaa, vaikka olisit jo ottanut suurimman osan kapseleista – tai jopa kaikkia.

Suosittelemme kokeilemaan lisäravinteita vähintään 7 päivän ajan, jotta voit tuntea hyödyt – mutta se on täysin sinun päätettävissäsi.

Myönnän täyden hyvityksen kaikissa tapauksissa – ei kysyttyjä kysymyksiä. Se on yksinkertaista!